What s in a name? When you re a 41-year-old woman from Hartlepool,眼睛保養品 England, the answer is 161 words, including “Stereo”, “Coalition”, “Feedback” and “Ben”.
名字可以有多長?如果你是41歲的英國哈特爾普爾婦女,答案則是包括“Stereo(立體聲)、 Coalition(聯合)、 Feedback(反饋)和Ben(本)”等在內的161個哺乳媽媽營養單詞。
According to a 產後保健品BBC News report, Dawn McManus, 41, has legally changed her name to this:
Red Wacky League Antlez Broke the Stereo Neon Tide Bring Back Honesty Coalition Feedback Hand of Aces Keep Going Captain Let s Pretend Lost State of Dance Paper Taxis Lunar Road Up Down Strange All and I Neon Sheep Eve Hornby Faye Bradley AJ Wilde Michael Rice Dion Watts Matthew Appleyard John Ashurst Lauren Swales Zoe Angus Jaspreet Singh Emma Matthews Nicola Brown Leanne Pickering Victoria Davies Rachel Burnside Gil Parker Freya Watson Alisha Watts James Pearson Jacob Sotheran Darley Beth Lowery Jasmine Hewitt Chloe Gibson Molly Farquhar Lewis Murphy Abbie Coulson Nick Davies Harvey Parker Kyran Williamson Michael Anderson Bethany Murray Sophie Hamilton Amy Wilkins Emma Simpson Liam Wales Jacob Bartram Alex Hooks Rebecca Miller Caitlin Miller Sean McCloskey Dominic Parker Abbey Sharpe Elena Larkin Rebecca Simpson Nick Dixon Abbie Farrelly Liam Grieves Casey Smith Liam Downing Ben Wignall Elizabeth Hann Danielle Walker Lauren Glen James Johnson Ben Ervine Kate Burton James Hudson Daniel Mayes Matthew Kitching Josh Bennett Evolution Dreams
As even the former Ms. McManus will acknowledge, it s basically just a big jumble of nonsense between the words “Red” and “Dreams” — although that s really the point. She changed her name, she said, to draw attention to her charity, Red Dreams, which supports young people who want to pursue creative careers. “We have processed a number of crazy name changes to date, but this is the longest one on record,” said Tina Clough, spokesperson for The Legal Deed Poll Service, which handles name change requests in England.
這位麥克馬納斯女士自己也承認,這個名字僅僅是由Red和Dreams兩個關鍵字把守的一長串毫無意義的字符。她說,改名的目的是為引起人們對她創辦的慈善組織“Red Dreams”的關註,該組織旨在幫助那些希望從事創造性職業的年青人。“迄今為止,我們處理過大量千奇百怪的名字變更,但這是所有登記在冊的名字中最長的一個,” 英國負責名字變更請求的法律契約服務中心發言人蒂娜·克勞夫說。
There are lots of practical considerations to ponder about having a 161 word long name, as the BBC notes: “Ms Dreams said she did not know how the new name would fit on her passport or bank card but hoped she would be allowed to use initials or an abbreviated version.”
正如BBC所說,起一個長為161個單詞的名字需要考慮許多實際問題。 “Dreams女士坦言,她自己也不知道如何在護照或銀行卡上使用她的新名字,但她希望能夠被允許使用首字母縮寫或縮簡版。”
That does looks like a problem, unless her card provider has some ingenious way of printing infinite simally small font on the card. But, aside from everyday annoyances, if she wants to keep what s possibly one of the world s longest names, she d better be ready to take on challengers.
A Scotland man formerly known as Nicholas Usansky changed his name via Deed Poll to “Barnaby Marmaduke Aloysius Benjy Cobweb Dartagnan Egbert Felix Gaspar Humbert Ignatius Jayden Kasper Leroy Maximilian Neddy Obiajulu Pepin Quilliam Rosencrantz Sexton Teddy Upwood Vivatma Wayland Xylon Yardley Zachary Usansky” in January, in order to claim the title of world s longest name for a living person. And in a post-record interview, he indicated that he d be able to go even longer.
一名曾叫Nicholas Usansky的蘇格蘭人,在今年1月通過契約服務中心將名字改為:Barnaby Marmaduke Aloysius Benjy Cobweb Dartagnan Egbert Felix Gaspar Humbert Ignatius Jayden Kasper Leroy Maximilian Neddy Obiajulu Pepin Quilliam Rosencrantz Sexton Teddy Upwood Vivatma Wayland Xylon Yardley Zachary Usansky,他改名的目的是想獲得世界在世人口長名之最的頭銜。在更名之後的采訪中, 他表示還可以把名字改得更長。
“There s no point in having a really wacky name like that and not having the longest in the world,” he told The Scottish Sun at the time. We have to admit, he has a point there.
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